Employer Profile

Organizations With A Commitment To Diversity & The Hispanic / Latino Community

Lone Star College
The Woodlands, TX
1K - 10K
$250 - 500M
Public College

The Chronicle of Higher Education's "Great Colleges to Work For" is designed to recognize colleges that have been successful in creating great workplaces and to further research and understanding of the factors, dynamics and influences that have the most impact on organizational culture at higher education institutions.

Lone Star College was recognized in five areas: Confidence in Senior Leadership; Diversity; Facilities, Workspace & Security; Job Satisfaction; and Work/Life Balance.

Nationally recognized, globally connected and locally focused, Lone Star College is the largest college or University in Houston and one of the fastest growing community colleges in the United States. With more than 80,000 credit students each semester and a total enrollment of 95,000, Lone Star College is committed to student success and credential completion.

LSC adds $3.1 billion to the local and regional economy by providing educational opportunities across the north Houston region.

NMSDC Certified