Employer Profile

Organizations With A Commitment To Diversity & The Hispanic / Latino Community

Oakton Community College
Des Plaines, IL
1K - 10K
$100 - 250M
Public College

Oakton Community College enables its employees to enjoy the best of both worlds - a stimulating and challenging career and a work schedule that allows time to pursue personal interests.

From a four-day work week in the summer to extended time off during Thanksgiving and Winter Break, employees are able to strike a balance between managing a career and pursuing family and leisure-time activities.

In addition to an accommodating work schedule, Oakton offers a generous benefits package that includes a variety of medical and dental plans and employer-provided life insurance.

With campuses in Des Plaines and Skokie, Illinois, Oakton Community College employs individuals in a wide range of positions, from faculty members to professional staff to service and maintenance technicians. We invite you to learn more about current job opportunities or about our generous benefits packages.

NMSDC Certified