Employer Profile

Organizations With A Commitment To Diversity & The Hispanic / Latino Community

Sonic Healthcare USA
Austin, TX
Health - Medical Diagnostics
1K - 10K
Annual Revenue
> $1B
Publicly Traded

Sonic Healthcare USA is a subsidiary of Sonic Healthcare Limited, one of the world's largest medical diagnostics companies, providing laboratory services to medical practitioners, hospitals and community health services, with operations in eight countries, on three continents and providing care to over 120 million patients each year. Sonic Healthcare USA is a leading provider of state-of-the-art laboratory services and professional pathology groups throughout the USA with nine operating divisions and nearly eight thousand US-based employees. Sonic Healthcare USA utilizes a federated business model that emphasizes medical leadership and community-based laboratory testing and professional pathology services to provide outstanding quality and service to the doctors and patients that they serve.

NMSDC Certified